
Showing posts with the label hrwr

High Range Water Reducer (HRWR) | Muhu China

Muhu China produces concrete admixture and Superplasticizers is High Range Water Reducer(hrwr)  used in concrete to reduce water. it improves the concrete strength and durability. it is a second-generation Superplasticizers commonly used in high strength concrete To know more watch this video:-

HRWR | Muhu Construction Chemicals

  Muhu Construction Chemicals Distributor of High Range Water reducer in the UK market. HRWR is commonly used to produce flowing, self-consolidating, or high-performance concrete. all muhu products are international industry standards.

Concrete Additives For Strength | MUHU Construction Chemicals

MUHU Construction Chemical, a leading manufacturer of concrete additives and chemical admixtures in China, was established in 1988, in Huairou, Beijing. It is specialized in concrete admixtures, additives & superplasticizer research, manufacturing, and distribution.

Construction Chemicals in UK | MUHU Construction

  Muhu china produces Construction Chemicals used by ready-mix concrete plants, precast admixtures used by the concrete plant, and concrete additives which reduce the usage of water, improve durability, and workability of concrete, and increase the compression strength of concrete. 

Get High-Range Water Reducer (HRWR) in the UK

  We provide the best high-range water-reducing admixture ( HRWR ) in the UK based on the next generation of polycarboxylate technology. HRWR's reduce the water content of a given concrete mix from 15 to 30%, which helps to increases strength. To know more about our product details, contact us @